The new version of the Calendar includes a bunch of features that you’ve all been looking for.
Customer satisfaction has always been one of our key values. Here at BoomTech we take users' suggestions and feedback very seriously. We want to make sure our app fully meets the expectations of our current, as well as, new users.
For the past couple of months, we have been working hard on features that had been requested by our users. And now we are happy to announce that we have some new super useful features released.
Zoom Integration: Scheduling online meetings and webinars is super easy now! Integrate the Calendar with Zoom to start showcasing your Zoom schedule to your calendar. The most important part is that you don't have to jump between two schedules to keep your agenda straight. Through this function, you will be able to view all your meetings and events in one calendar.

Categorization: If you have too many events that vary in their types and would like to break them in different categories, now it is possible to do with our Calendar. You can create separate categories and move your events to those categories. This way the event management process is much simpler for you. On the other hand, it makes it easier for your website visitors to keep track of your events. You just need to activate the categorization function on the calendar widget and visitors will be able to choose the event categories they want to view.

Search: This is one long-waited feature for those users who have a lot of events! Now you just need to activate the search function from your calendar settings and your visitors will be able to search through your events. Apart from event titles, they can search the events by event organizer or venue, if needed.
Share events: Now your website visitors can share your events on social media platforms. The events can be shared on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. As well, they can copy the link of the event to share it on other platforms or send via messenger apps.

Google Maps: Now the venue of your event is also available as a map. In the description section, visitors will be able to see the location of your event on a Google map.

Import: If you manage events on other calendars that aren’t integrated with our app, yet, no worries! Now you can export the events of those calendars to an ICS file and just import the file to our Calendar. This will save you a lot of time, as there is no more need to add the events manually.
Dashboard: A new, practical Dashboard has been developed for the app! This Dashboard stores all your calendars and events in one place. You can access the Dashboard from your Calendar settings, as well as, from your Wix Dashboard. We're sure, this will make the event management much easier and more convenient to you.

* The updates are available on the Wix platform, only.