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Sell tickets: pros and NO cons

It would be ideal for building your event marketing approach around your hopes for ticket sales, but still, you can have the perfect ticketing feature for your events on our Boom Event Calendar.

Nice to meet you- I am the Sell ticket

This ticketing system is the newest update on our Boom Event Calendar, and it is the most awaited addition to our calendar. Our users already loved the Registration feature very much, so we needed to have something amazing to make them even happier.

The design of the tickets is just irresistible! It's simple, minimalistic, and also very functional. You give your users paying options, free tickets, and promo codes to use.

Why it's important to have this feature on your calendar?

You spend lots of time, effort, and money to get visitors to open your website. Stop sending customers to a different website to purchase your tickets. Using Boom Event Calendar App, you may sell tickets without ever having to leave your website.

In this online age, it is essential to have an online ticketing option for your users. You need to let your users be more comfortable and just one touch away from the tickets. Whether it is a concert or a weekly play, or just an online training, people want to make sure they will have their ticket, and they will not have to stand in a queue to buy it.

The sell ticket option anyways is adding traffic to your calendar and making the events even more attractive.

3 simple steps to launch your event with tickets

1. At first, you should create an event. Please pay attention to details; make the event as beautiful as possible; select an image to make the visual more vivid. Make sure you write a solid description for the event, so people will know why they should pay to be there.

2. Activate the registration option on your event, so the people who want to participate will go by a logical line till they got to the tickets. It's like overcoming the levels of an old-school game.

3. When you are there, make sure the price is reasonable for your ticket and make sure the user will not leave the page after making those steps.

Hurry up to create your first ticket and let us know about your amazing journey!

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